About Me

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Ntwadumela (In-twy-do-may-la) means, “He Who Greets With Fire. With the various biblical examples of God in the Old and New Testaments manifesting his presence as fire, poet Ntwadumela simply means the poet who greets with the presence of God. As a Christian poet I am striving to express God to people, people to God, and our view of God to each other. It is my belief that the enemy of all souls has organized and specific strategies for deceiving and destroying humans. A high priority in these strategies is the dividing of us from each other, the fostering of hate in the world and the belief that if you and I don't agree that somehow means I don't have to love you. It is my desire to to shed light on these strategies and help us all to know God the more.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


His death breathes life to
Sleeping Americans of
Every ethnicity and
Color waking us
To action adopting him
As an all son for every
Race as we mourn his 
Our tragic loss as he gives
Our hearts a strong uniting
And to his parents
Strong loving parents God will
Have the last word keep trusting
Your son is alive
He is changing a country
Legacy of our Trayvon.
Poet Ntwadumela 

Self Portrait

Do you know who you are? I have been a wonderful success. I have been a horrible failure. I see myself a blessing to many. I see that b...